(Last update Apr, 2020)
54.99 € - iOS (Available in a limited free version)
This App is dedicated to the measure of your performance in canoeing, rowing or Kakak training. It provides you cadence informations, speed average, rowing distance, and vertical movements mesures for example. This App is also able to measure your heart rate and to export/process data once you are on the ground.
Free iOS (Premium 8.99€ ) / Free Android (Premium 7.99€)
RiverApp is the application dedicated to kayakers, water sports enthusiasts, fishermen and all those with river-related activities. It provides water levels and flow for all of France and around the world, it offers 2000 kayak courses, freestyle spots and slalom pools with display of embarkation and disembarkation points, navigability conditions, water temperatures, etc. The Premium option provides forecasts for certain resorts and a history of several years.
A perfect application for anticipating leisure activities in rivers and lakes.
Note: The information given above are generally from the Appstore and Google Play. Applications sometimes have not been tested. Price indications may be false. Do not hesitate to contact us to give us your opinion and comment. To suggest other applications send us a message here.